Blog 7

 Blog 7
-Design specifications 

Week 14: Design specifications 
-provide product design teams with the information they need to build out new features or functionality of a product

Types of design specification relevant to product design
-Material specification 
    -e.g (Dimension, Weight, Voltage etc)
-Functional/Performance specification 
    -e.g. Acceleration from 0 to 100 km/h in 8 sec, 50m Water resistance
-Standard specification 
    -e.g. API 650 for weld tank for oil storage; waterproof IP67
-Test standard
    -e.g. ASTM E18-20 Standard Test Methods for Rockwell Hardness of Metallic Materials

To ensure that we did not overlook any details and if the device would work the way we want it to, the easiest way is to make a prototype. 
We needed to make a low-fidelity Prototype (e.g. cardboard)


-Cheap to make
-Easy to make changes


-Lack realism
-Difficult for users to give feedback
-Lack interactivity
-Difficult for user to imagine how use the product

So to begin our prototyping we decided to follow our design specification table we did in CA2.


Specification Metric (or Quality) 

Quantitative Value


Battery operated







Temperature resistant

Withstand temperatures above 100℃

Water Proof


Minimal setup time

<10 second

Easy to use





With the table above we came up with the best way to make our coffee maker prototype which was to separate it into 3 parts: the top, the base, and the backing. 
We just drew what we drew on the paper onto the cardboard and cut it out before taping them together and assembling it. 

Some pictures of us cutting the cardboard and measuring the dimensions to cut.

For our working mechanism, we decided to use a lever to stop and start the flow of the "hot water" into the coffee cup. Here is a video of our working mechanism in action.

Here is our fusion360 of our prototype:

Our hero shot with our prototype:


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