
About me

 Hi My name is Weng Yan and this is where I document my work for CP5070 Chemical Product Design and Development module.  Here are my teammates: Tristan and Justin :) ROLES - Tristan (Leader)  - Justin (Scribe) - Weng Yan (Photographer)  Role description Tristan (Team leader)  1) organize meetings 2) keep everyone on track  Justin (Scribe) 1) Take down notes of what is being discussed in meetings to help the team stay on task 2) Create documents for the team to write down our results and findings 3) Organises the notes neatly for better visualisation  Weng Yan (Photographer) 1) take photos and selfies of group meetings Team Rules 1. Put 100% of your effort into this module 2.Be punctual for all team meetings 3. Help each other out when in need 4. Respect each other 5. Have fun in this module